Enjoy an oxygen rich environment at your Leisure
Friends of Cedar Bay
Sleigh Rides / Pony Rides

Sleigh Rides / Pony Rides

Our apologies – wagon and sleigh rides are not currently available.

To inquire about booking a sleigh ride or wagon ride, please use our online information request form and a volunteer will reply at their earliest convenience.

  • WAGON/SLEIGH RIDES – pick up and drop off available in town or at the stables.
    • $150 per hour Our horse team is currently unavailable for wagon/sleigh rides, our apologies.
  • PONY RIDES – available at the stables – other locations available for added fee
    • $60 per pony per hour
    • Please contact Anina Youngman by email (click on her name for a shortcut)

A great activity for your child’s birthday party!