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Friends of Cedar Bay
Cedar Bay Development Plan (2012)

Cedar Bay Development Plan (2012)

Click here to view the full “Cedar Bay Development Plan (2012)”


In December of 2007 the Cedar Bay Complex & Area Development Advisory Committee (CBCADAC) was established by By-Law No. 77-07 and given the following task:

“Review and make recommendations to Council on development proposals for the Cedar Bay Complex which includes the stables and lake shore properties and on development proposals in the area surrounding Cedar Bay”

The final plan, developed through extensive community consultation, is premised on the notion that the community wishes Cedar Bay to remain a public facility and that continued municipal involvement in its management is integral to its protection, continued value and accessibility.  Despite past concerns for the complex’s financial and operational viability, Cedar Bay has experienced a dramatic turn-around since 2006 as a result of increased volunteer support, new and expanded programming and a shift in the public’s perception of its value and contribution to our quality of life.  Although Cedar Bay continues to be sustained in part by volunteers, grants and tax dollars, there is great growth potential in the programs and services which could be made available at the site and these services are becoming increasingly important in the context of community health & wellness, tourism, accessibility, active transportation and youth programming.

The Cedar Bay & Area Development Advisory Committee (2012) was comprised of: Neil Carbone (staff resource), Don Fenelon (councillor), George Hoggarth (chair), Ron Laverty (vice chair), Howard Lockhart, Gary Goldthorpe, Brent Darling, Beth Dasno, and Sharon Schinke.

The final plan and report was submitted to council on May 3, 2012 and was adopted unanimously.

As adopted, this plan establishes the general guidelines under which future development at the site will progress.  It ensures that council give due consideration to the resources required to achieve the community’s vision of Cedar Bay as a public asset which can contribute greatly to our quality of life in Sioux Lookout.

Cedar Bay Development (2012) plan