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Pavilion Progress
Pavilion Progress

Pavilion Progress

Pavilion progress 1Pavilion progress 2Pavilion progressPavilion progress 4

For all of you who have supported the building of a Pavilion at the Cedar Bay Stable, I am happy to report that thanks to you, the pavilion is well on its way. Some of you supported this project by sponsoring me on the 20 Km Ski Loppet, some through direct donations, community groups, businesses and others by dropping off your redeemable bottles at the Stable, still others by donating baked goods, your pennies and spare change at DJ’s.

In total the Loppet for the last 3 years, bottles, donations, events, bake sales etc has raised almost $15,000. This amount was essential leverage in the successful application to the Trillium Foundation for the funds.

The concrete floor is laid, the accessibility ramp complete, the posts are up and we hope it will be completed in a couple of weeks.

Without your support, the pavilion would not have been possible. There will be a formal ribbon cutting at some point and we will keep you posted.

Thank you all once again for your generosity and support for this community project

Joyce Timpson, Chair
Friends of Cedar Bay

half roof pavilion