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2020 Summer Student Job Opportunity
2020 Summer Student Job Opportunity

2020 Summer Student Job Opportunity

We are seeking a dependable, responsible and positive student to join our organization this summer. In this position, you will be expected to learn the ins-and-outs of the daily routines and procedures of the Stable. An important duty will be to execute a social media presence designed to educate/engage the public. You will also have an opportunity to experience how the non-profit organization runs as well as its history and vision.

Duties and Responsibilities

The summer student would be focused at our co-operative community Stable, where s/he would assist boarders in horse care and maintenance and barn management. S/he would work on programming and event planning, creating educational signage for horse’s paddocks describing the breed(s) of horse, and public education opportunities. S/he would receive an introduction to Equine-Assisted Learning, a method of enhancing life skills using horses.
We have several annual summer events (depending on the COVID-19 response) that the student would assist with by helping with planning, organizing volunteers, and being a participant in the activities, while adhering to ‘distancing’ requirements.
The student will help with fundraising initiatives and revitalize our social media presence as well. The student shall shadow multiple positions and train in a variety of tasks, attend monthly board meetings, and preform other duties as assigned.

Student Requirements and Qualifications

Experience with horses is not a requirement but future career goals in an equine or outdoor field will be prioritized
Currently be enrolled in high school, university/college program or have just graduated
Must be 15-25 years of age and resident of Ontario
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Self-directed and able to work without supervision and with the public (as appropriate re: COVID-19)
Energetic and eager to tackle new projects and ideas

Job Wage

$14/hr – Contract length 246.5 hours or 34 days @ 7.25 hr/day
Flexible hours – some weekends/evenings

Please send resumé and/or questions to:


Posting will close June 19th at 4 pm local time.