Enjoy an oxygen rich environment at your Leisure
Update: Owl Prowl – Sunday, April 26
Update: Owl Prowl – Sunday, April 26

Update: Owl Prowl – Sunday, April 26

An update on the owl prowl last night led so well by Monika Orzechowska.  25 of us started out from the stables after an interesting intro to the owl population in this area by Monika.  An hour and a half later the last of us were back at the stables but no owls called out to us during our prowl.  A few of us heard a boreal owl way in the west at the lakeshore but too far away to be really well heard.

But it was a lovely night outing, nonetheless, despite the puddles and a big thanks to everyone for coming out and to Monika for your splendid role of “caller”.  So far this year we don’t know of anyone who has heard barred owls, so do let us know if you hear one any night soon!

Thanks again and stayed tuned for the “Frog hop” coming up in a couple of weeks!


Join local bird enthusiast Monika Orzechowska at 8:30 pm at the Cedar Bay parking lot for an OWL PROWL!

owlprowl2015This event involves several kilometres of night walking  and will last two hours or more.

There will be areas of snow, slush, water and/or mud depending on the temperatures leading up to the prowl.  A flashlight or headlamp, water and a trail snack are recommended.